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Red State Update

Jul 14, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap on Donald Trump Jr. and his self-tweeted Russia meeting email chain, nothing burger is nothing matters burger, Trump is Bizarro and we're Curt Swan Superman, George W. Bush avoids the news and does bathroom paintings, Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave, Seb Gorka is on the news, Dunlap tries to be point-counterpoint by pretend pro-Trump as Jackie bashes America's favorite president, also collusion, Hillary, Hardees, Obama, calling presidents idiots, which Beach Boy is Donald Trump (hint: the worst one and also the crazy one), also nobody cares, nobody cares, also nobody cares.

Sponsors: Pinky Piglet's Cocktail Baloney ("Tom Cruise Kenny!") and Jackie's Market ("Purple Hedgeman!")


"The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs. Check out 20 Minutes by Quick and Dirty! 

Red State Update theme "Tasty Sorghum Biscuit" by William Sherry Jr. 

For more context on this incomprehensible nonsense, listen to the original episodes (listed below) or check out our Wikipedia page. Thanks, Guy Lancaster!

Podcasting from a bunker underneath Jockie's Market in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Jackie Broyles and Dunlap yell about President Ultimate Yankee Donald Trump and his baby tantrums and his alt-right Nazi cabinet henchmen, about Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, about Chuck Shumer and Mitch McConnell, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Priebus and Putin, Russia and Reagan, liberals and conservatives, cucks and con-men, Democrats and Republicans, Never-Trumps and Bernie bros, Deplorables and RINOs, fake news, fake sponsors, local businesses, national politics, populism, pop culture, old references, current events, the white working class, Trump's America and, let's be honest, the end of the world. If you like sophisticated satire, nuanced political humor, and redneck shitkicking hillbilly country comedy Hee-Haw moonshine outhouse Blue Collar donkey cartoon face, this is the podcast for you. I mean "y'all."