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Red State Update

Jul 8, 2013

Jackie and Dunlap on the YouTube viral video "4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, Rights Taken Away, while Innocent"  Murfreesboro in the news again! Are you pro-DUI or anti-constitution?  THOSE ARE THE ONLY TWO SIDES

Brought to you by...

Jul 1, 2013

Jackie and Dunlap on Independence Day, Gay Marriage, George Zimmerman, Paula Deen, Edward Snowden, and the sweet release of death

Sponsored by Coley's Christian Cinemas ("Come see Rick Santorum's new movie Rascal the Praying Mule!") and Miz Mary's Butter Dump ("Sorrowful Racists Welcome").

Jun 24, 2013

Jackie and Dunlap on Paula Deen, Edward Snowden, and masturbating fetuses. 

Sponsored by Little Helen's ("Grand Reopening") and not sponsored by The Big House ("Serving Murfreesboro Old Money Since 1863").

Jun 17, 2013

SPOILER ALERT! Jackie and Dunlap talk about Superman for an hour. Maybe a little Bonnaroo. Mostly Superman, though.

Brought to you by Coley's Christian Cinemas and The Glory Hole. Not Jickie's Market, though, and definitely not Jockie's.

"Get The Hell Out Of My Store Hippie" is from the Red State Update album "How...

Jun 10, 2013

Jackie and Dunlap on the NSA, PRISM, spying, drones, the IRS, Verizon, FBI, etc., etc., so forth and so on.

Brought to you by Wet Bread's new Lunch Tank, and a warning for Texas from Tee Tee Slott.