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Red State Update

Feb 13, 2017

Welcome to the Red State Update podcast.  Jackie Broyles and Dunlap will be shout-discussing:

We have a Crazy President! People been openly saying Trump's nuts! Flynn been talking to Russia! The Ivanka Nordstrom Kellyanne Conway Trump tweet debacle! GOPers gettin' yelled at in Town Halls, including here in Murfreesboro! Stephen Miller went on the morning shows to defend crazy voter fraud claims, and he's as gross as Gorka and Bannon! The Russian dossier on Trump is lookin' truer and truer!  Will Ribfest let in Toby Keith? Will Rubfest let in Dunlap? Shit, what about North Korea? The China call? The Japan visit? Will Russia extradite Edward Snowden as a present? They won't let Betsy DeVos into the school! Trump is going to do something very rapidly! "Being president is hard!", says our president. Hey, in Tennessee if you see a protester in the road, you can run em over, but if you're a protester in the road, you can probably shoot at cars. 

What else? Holy cow. I'm tired of typing: Muslim ban shut down! See you in court! Privatize air traffic control! Border Wall cost! Bannon's Hollywood career-- The Undefeated! Shakespearean rap musical! Shakespearean moon movie! Mel Gibson produced anti-cloning sci-fi! Elizabeth Warren! She Persisted! Coretta Scott King! Jeff Sessions! Racism in the 80s! They kicked us out of Yemen! John McCain is mad! Gorsuch is demoralized.  Welcome to the club, Gorsuch!

Sponsors: The Case for Christ and Naked Church.

Podcasting from Dunlap's grandmother's basement in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Jackie Broyles and Dunlap yell about President Ultimate Yankee Donald Trump and baby tantrums and his alt-right Nazi cabinet henchmen, Steve Bannon and Elizabeth Warren, Priebus and Putin, liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Never-Trumps and Bernie bros, Deplorables and RINOs, fake news, fake sponsors, national politics, pop culture and current events, Trump's America and, let's be honest, the end of the world. If you like sophisticated satire, nuanced political humor, and redneck shitkicking hillbilly country comedy Hee-Haw moonshine outhouse Blue Collar donkey cartoon face, this is the podcast for you. I mean "y'all."