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Red State Update

Feb 8, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap on the Betsy DeVos confirmation, Trump's travel ban struck down by a so-called judge, the list of terrorist attacks that the media ignored that they didn't, Trump's O'Reilly interview, Trump's sherrifs "I'll ruin their career" meeting, Russia, Bannon's Time magazine cover, White House leaks, Priebus, robes, Sebastian Gorka, the Dukes of Hazzard.

Sponsors: Naked Church and Jockie's Market.

Podcasting from Dunlap's Grandmother's basement in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Jackie Broyles and Dunlap yell about President Ultimate Yankee Donald Trump and baby tantrums and his alt-right Nazi cabinet henchmen, former worst president ever Lame Duck Barack Obama, liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Never-Trumps and Bernie bros, Deplorables and RINOs, fake local sponsors, real national politics, pop culture and the 2016 presidential election. If you like sophisticated satire, nuanced political humor, and redneck shitkicking hillbilly country comedy Hee-Haw moonshine outhouse Blue Collar donkey cartoon face, this is the podcast for you. I mean "y'all."