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Red State Update

May 25, 2015

Jackie and Dunlap make a playlist, realize they shouldn't make any more tv shows about families, and again give Obama the perfect plan to blow up ISIS. Why won't he listen?

TALKABOUTS: Willie's Roadhouse, songs about getting across rivers, are there any songs about Indians that aren't racist?, Billy Joel, wobble tapes,...

May 18, 2015

Jackie and Dunlap break up and get back together, as Burt Reynolds would want. QUESTIONS: Can God ever be wrong? Can George W. Bush ever be wrong? TALKABOUTS: Marco Rubio, Burt Reynolds, Iraq, trains, news, VCRs, Sharky's Machine, Gator, slapping prostitutes, Twix Eggs, horse age, talking animals, Noah's Ark, Russell...

May 11, 2015

Jackie and Dunlap on new Hamburglars, Huckabee diabetes, Jade Helm, and drawing contests.

Sponsored by The Squatting Winker and Soured Towels.

May 4, 2015

Jackie and Dunlap on Avengers: Age of Ultron, Guns: Bathroom of Boehner, Baby: Princess of Who Cares, and President: Idiots of Running

Sponsors: Wesley Press ("Good Kids and Good Brains") and Hattie's Lotions ("F*ck A CVS").