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Red State Update

Sep 30, 2020

Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy and attempts to delegitimize the election and basically acts like a sweaty-lipped asshole in his first debate with Biden.

Plus: Trump's taxes, $750, The Rock endorses Biden, Trump mocks the religious, Chris Wallace, Giuliani, Florida.

"The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs:

Sep 25, 2020

Jackie & Dunlap on Breonna Taylor, Trump refuses to concede when he loses, RBG and the Republican rush to fill her seat, Trump overrules the FDA and CDC, Fauci vs. Paul, Tyler Childers, Cracker Barrel, tuna fish. 

"The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs:

Red State Update theme "Tasty...

Sep 18, 2020

Jackie and Dunlap yell about Trump's vaccine push, climate change denial, Redfield contradiction; Barr says masks are slavery, wants to charge protesters with sedition, slams Black Lives Matter, blasts his own Justice Dept; Trump Trumpifies History; Caputo; Vegas rally; Biden drive-through town hall.

"The Magic Cowboy"...

Sep 10, 2020

Trump knew COVID was bad and “played it down,” Barr and the Feds take on defense of Trump in E. Jean Carroll case, Trump calls veterans suckers and losers, whistleblower claims DHS ordered downplaying of Nazis & Russians, Trump campaign broke, Cotton and Cruz on Supreme Court, Faux-bama, Trump boat parade sinks,...