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Red State Update

Nov 28, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap on Trump's meeting with Navajo Vets, Trump's pretty much backing of Roy Moore, Trump's floating that the Access Hollywood tape isn't real, Trump's Fake News Trophy, Mick Mulvaney vs. Leandra English for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Prince Harry's gettin' hitched, Conyers,...

Nov 21, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap celebrate five damn years of podcasting by answering your questions. Thank you kindly for still listenin'. 

Sponsors: The Jim Beavers of Comcast Cable Foundation & Valkyrie Salad

Nov 14, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap on Roy Moore, Hannity, Keurig protests, Mitch McConnell, the state of the GOP, Trump believes Putin, Trump's Asia Trip, Trump meets Duterte, and Biden 2020. 

Sponsors: Animal Candles, Doodle's Car Fix House

Nov 7, 2017

Jackie and Dunlap on America's latest mass shooting, the Donna Brazile-DNC-Hillary Clinton-Bernie Sanders infighting, Papa John's, and the Rand Paul attack.

Sponsors: Thanksgiving Taco & Deedle's Car House Fix.