Dec 31, 2012
Jackie and Dunlap take on Russian orphans, discuss their plans for surviving after America goes over the Fiscal Cliff, and present their Best Of 2012 lists.
Brought to you by Culkey's Ammo Shack, Reddy Rifles, Woody Tate: The Guy With the Guns, and Kapoumos' Steak and Pasta and Guns.
Dec 24, 2012
Jackie and Dunlap don't want to talk about gun control. It's not the time.
Brought to you by Trimper's Gun Shop.
Also Gun Sonic (Not Regular Sonic. Gun Sonic.)
Plus Jackie doesn't like his Christmas present from Dunlap.
Dec 17, 2012
For the Ole Timey Country Down Home Red State Update Christmas Podcast 'n' 'Em, we got three new songs: the Nativity story Christmas Crow, Jackie's Yuletide trucker tale Sick Cripple Christmas Baby, and the instant classic Hey! It's Christmas! Plus Jackie talks about playing Santa. Sponsored by Christmas Mix from...
Dec 10, 2012
Introducing the Red State Update News Panel, featuring all the displaced pundits! Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Jack Cafferty, and Rick Sanchez! What do they have to say about what's going on? Oh man!
Plus Jackie and Dunlap discuss Gangnam Style and why Psy hates America, plus a update on the War on Christmas and why Elf On...
Dec 3, 2012
Jackie and Dunlap talk about Obama and Romney's White House lunch, George Lucas's real reasons for donating his 4 billion Disney dollars, and fake interview country music superstar Randy Travis to get the Randy Travis side of the story. Plus RSU's classic yuletide song from last year, "Divided Nation Christmas." Brought...