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Red State Update

Aug 31, 2016

Jackie and Dunlap on the National Anthem and Anthony Weiner. Also: Debbie Wasserman Schultz wins LOL.  Sponsors: Spiffy Uncle Marlin's Haircuts and Handshakes and Dom Podge's Church Accountant School.

Aug 24, 2016

Obama vacations instead of going to flooded Louisiana! Hillary is sick as hell and won't tell nobody! America keeps getting bored by all them Hillary scandals! Trump says hey to Black people! Jackie and Dunlap talk about all this mess, Lord help 'em.

Sponsors: Spiffy Uncle Marlin's Haircuts and Handshakes and Church...

Aug 17, 2016

Jackie and Dunlap on Trump's plan to combat terror with Muslim tests and extreme vetting, Paul Manofort's ties to Russia and Ukraine, Trump's refusal to pivot, Roger Ailes doing debate prep with the Donald, and representation among Smurfs.

Sponsors: Spiffy Uncle Marlin's Haircuts and Handshakes and The Fraternity of the...

Aug 10, 2016

Did Trump suggest 2nd Amendmenting Hillary? Or is the Crooked Media lying again? Is the election rigged? What about the 50 Republican security officials who think Trump is a bad idea? How was Trump's economics speech? Did he really kick that baby out? Does truth exist anymore? Is Rich Little still alive? Is Jackie ready...

Aug 2, 2016

Jackie and Dunlap on Trump and Russia, Trump and Khizr Khan,  Trump and the debate schedule, Trump and the NFL, Trump and the rigged election, Trump and naked pictures of his wife, Trump and... Look. It's about Trump, okay? It's all about Trump. Everything we talk about is Trump now. Everything we do is Trump. All is...