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Red State Update

Feb 25, 2019

Welcome to the Red State Update Big Movie Awards Oscars Special, sponsored by Z-H Black-eyed Peppermint Peas Movie Moments Collectible Cans. Jackie & Dunlap on The Favorite, The Mule, BlacKkKlansman, Bradley Cooper's dog, John Wayne, Dianne Feinstein,  and peeing your pants.

Thanks to everybody who Patreons...

Feb 15, 2019

Jackie and Dunlap on Trump's National Emergency, his alleged phone call with Lou Dobbs and Hannity, McCabe & the 25th, Manafort, McConnell, Trump and Beto dueling wall shows.

Sponsors: Z-H Black-eyed Peppermint Pea Hearts and Z-H Mouse Collection.

Thanks to everybody who Patreons...

Feb 8, 2019

Jackie & Dunlap on the State of the Union, the investigation into the inauguration, Executive Time, Virginia, Pelosi, AM radio.

Sponsors: Z-H Black-eyed Peppermint Peas, Mouse Collection

Thanks to everybody who Patreons us at

"The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs. 

Red State Update...