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Red State Update

Nov 30, 2016

Is Trump an evil genius or a blundering baby? Is Jill Stein crazy-useful or crazy-crazy? Is Mitt Romney being groomed or humiliated? Did Trump win the popular vote? Will Nazis show up to his rallies? Will he strip flag burners of their citizenship? 

ALSO: Jackie discusses his ban on refugees from East Tennessee, and...

Nov 22, 2016

Mike Pence goes to Hamilton and Trump gets mad on Twitter. Then Trump gets mad at Saturday Night Live. Then he invites all the media elite to Trump Tower and yells at Jeff Zucker and Wolf Blitzer. Then he settles a Trump University lawsuit.  Also he's filling his cabinet with crazy generals and human Nazi Garbage Pail...

Episode 211: Trump vs. Hamilton, Media

Nov 22, 2016

Mike Pence goes to Hamilton and Trump gets mad on Twitter. Then Trump gets mad at Saturday Night Live. Then he invites all the media elite to Trump Tower and yells at Jeff Zucker and Wolf Blitzer. Then he settles a Trump University lawsuit.  Also he's filling his cabinet with crazy generals and human Nazi Garbage Pail...

Nov 16, 2016

We tried to quit, but it wasn't easy with that sombitch Trump in the White House.

It's President Trump now, and Jackie and Dunlap have some things to get off their chest in this sad angry post-election wrap-up. What about the rust belt? The rural South? The white people? WHAT ABOUT THE WHITE PEOPLE? And the men, won't...

Nov 9, 2016

Jackie and Dunlap share a check-in with you as the election results shape up. Is Trump Winning? It looks like Trump is winning. Is it possible Trump is winning? John King keeps fingerin' that map and Trump keeps winning. Also! Mayor Jackie.

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